Dress By Night
Printed wallpaper and cut-out
Take a look at Constellations II. Installation. Printed wallpaper and cut-outs
Music: Empty Mind, Musician: Lofi_hour
Familiar and Far Away
This work marks the next chapter of Karina’s textile work following on from Childwood, Aurora Borealis-Northern Lights and The Traveller’s Case.* A parallel world of memory explored through colour, constellations and cut-outs.
These cut-out dresses exist in the liminal space between this world and the next. The pinpricks of light illuminate and enrich the darkness, connecting Karina with her Swedish mother and grandmother; her Maltese/ Sicilian family as well as her Greek and Finnish ancestors, through constellations familiar and far away.
This work is also a gentle reference to Family Constellations, the therapy that weaves the stories, beliefs and influences of our ancestors into the warp and weft of our own lives.The dresses have a life of their own.
Garden Dresses
Printed wallpaper cut-outs / silks
Constellations I
Printed Wallpaper and cut-outs
Barcode Dress
Printed wallpaper and cut-out